Our Purpose

The primary aim of the Club is to help dog owners train their dogs to a satisfactory and acceptable level of obedience with the help and guidance of our experienced team of instructors in a friendly and supportive environment.
The courses we offer range from puppy training and basic domestic obedience through to obedience competition level and fun exercises for dogs of all ages.
We aim to be a friendly club, so please introduce yourself to other members and get to know them - we are all here for the same reason!
We hope that you enjoy being a member of our club and that you will find it of benefit to both yourself and your canine companion.
Each dog handler must be a club member with annual club membership just $30 per person. We also welcome membership without your having a dog undergoing training or even ownership of a dog.
Why come to us?

Imagine the joy of well behaved dog. With the joy of dog ownership comes responsibility. If your dog accompanies you in public or you frequently have company you will want to be confident that your dog will not jump up at or act inappropriately towards other people and animals.
Imagine having such control that your dog will walk to heal, will come when called (even off lead), will instantly respond to sit, down and stay commands, and won't bark unnecessarily at passing people, cars and bikes.
Our courses will aid you in breaking bad habits and learning expected behaviour.

Socialisation is the process of exposing dogs to new environments and situations. While it is best to start Socialisation from puppyhood this should be an ongoing process throughout the dog's life
Socialised dogs are typically happier, friendlier, more predictable and able to handle stress better. Poorly socialised dogs may become fearful, shy, anxious, or worse overly aggressive because they lack the skills to cope with new situations.
Weekly obedience classes will enable you and your dog to socialise in a fun environment with other equally minded owners and their dogs.
Competition Obedience and RallyO

Want to go further? Join our competition team who have a ball competing, mentoring each other and camping out as a group at shows.
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